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The 10 Best Workout Gadgets in 2018

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Let’s be real, when it comes to workout gadgets, you probably thought that Fitbit is the only gadget worth mentioning when it comes to the best of the best in gadgetry, right? Wrong. There are many different types of gadgets that you can add to your workout for a much more entertaining, effective and interesting workout.

The Top 10

  1.  The Cue Device

Cue is a health and fitness tracker that might relate a little bit to Fitbit, but also has a big range of other features that focus more on the body and the health of it, than anything else. Although also recognized as a full body tracker, it has the health tracking features such as monitoring your basic health status and in addition, monitor things like your fertility, testosterone levels and replace the doctor by monitoring any possible illness in your body. These are considered a great buy and will also track the calories you burn, your vitamin D levels, as well as track your heart rate.

  1. The Umoro One Shaker

While this gadget does not sync with your phone or does anything out of the ordinary, it is one of the most useful gadgets to drink protein shakes from. It is reasonably priced and has a separate storage space for your powder which allows you to, with the press of a button, mix the two together.

  1. Mark One Pryme-Vessyl

Not a fan of protein shakes? We’ve got just the thing for you. The Pryme Vessyl cup is a simple use of technology that allows you to track your water consumption and reminds you to drink water by sending you notifications. It works the same as a fitness tracker and tracks your total steps and calories burned when active.

  1. Digitsole Smart Shoes

Let’s go to space! Kidding… Although with these, a lot may think you are. The Digitsole shoe is just that, digital. These are designed for those fitness enthusiasts that are looking to get a bit more from their workout. These do not have laces and automatically adjusts themselves according to the size of your feet. In addition, they also track your activity and helps you monitor the distance travelled, calories burned and much more. It also includes Bluetooth functionality and an Android, as well as an iOS connective feature.

  1. Skulpt

Want to measure your total body fat?

Introducing Skulpt, one of the smartest fitness gadgets that will not only help you track your activity but guide you to getting both strong and lean as it measures the amount of fat you must lose to gain lean muscle.

  1. Jabra Sport Earbuds

The Jabra Sports Coach earbuds might first look like a regular audio headset, but it offers the very best features which includes perfect sound, a wireless audio experience, and much more. In addition, it also has a personal fitness coach, think like Alexa, embedded inside. Who needs a personal trainer?

  1. Bowflex Selecttech 560-Dumbbells

These dumbbells are unlike regular dumbbells and can be adjusted from as little as 5 to 60 pounds. It includes the best performance technology and is considered a ‘smart’ set of dumbbells. What makes it different is the fact that it replaces your traditional dumbbell rack and can be connected to your smartphone via Bluetooth to track your progress.

  1. ZJChao Smart Fitness Scale

As one of the smartest gadgets, the ZJChao Smart Scale will serve you well while calculating your BMI, fitness level, visceral fat, muscle mass and bone mass. All the generated information conveniently gets sent to your phone on either iOS or Android.

  1. Beast

Beast is another smart gadget that makes the list with something different to tracking your regular calorie-burning activity. Beast is a gadget that thus tracks your explosiveness, strength levels, average weight volume, density, energy burnt, as well as your reps and sets. Quite convenient for the gym lovers.

  1. Athos

Who knew your clothes could have digital features too? Athos are clothes that have sensors embedded inside of it which includes leggings, shorts and shirts. These are conveniently connected to your mobile app via Bluetooth and work with iOS support only.